
Dr. Stacy Versailles


Stacy is a family physician with Hartford Healthcare Medical Group in Torrington, CT. and represents her area’s primary care physicians on the local hospital’s medical executive committee. She has had a lifetime of experience in volunteering for a wide variety of organizations but it is Health Horizons International which has provided the greatest amount of satisfaction since her first eye-opening January trip in 2010. Stacy also gets tremendous satisfaction from teaching and is a community faculty preceptor to both medical and physician assistant students. She volunteers as a medical director for a local hospice and is an active member of the diversity, equity and inclusion and palliative care committees for Hartford Healthcare. Stacy is an alternate delegate for the American Medical Association. She is on the boards of the Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) and Connecticut Academy of Family Physicians (CAFP). She is the Legislative Chair and a past-president of the CAFP. Stacy is the Secretary of the CSMS, represents her county at the state level, and is the Chair of the CSMS Women’s Section as well as being on the legislative committee. Having a strong background and prior career in computer science, she has worked with IBM on Watson and is currently involved with launching an AI neurocognitive diagnostic tool, BrainCheck, throughout Hartford Healthcare primary care. She and her patient spouse, Richard, own numerous peacocks, dogs, and cats. They have a grown son, Marc in NYC, who, having grown up seeing his mother as both a computer scientist and a physician, chose to be a… (can you guess?)